Safeguarding Statement

Our mission is to realise and inspire exciting and empowering musical opportunities for all children in Buckinghamshire and to ensure this is accessible to all children.

We firmly believe that keeping children safe and happy is central to our practice. We work in partnership with all Bucks schools and all Hub partners with a joint approach to achieve these goals.

This statement seeks to summarise the key points about BMT and its staff to fully evidence that safeguarding is robust.

  1. All BMT teachers have been appointed through a rigorous process that complies with Safer Recruitment guidelines and therefore includes;
    1. Two independent references being obtained from relevant professional sources, including the employees most recent role. References include assurance around safeguarding, child protection and previous disciplinary record
    2. An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check is completed on all employees before commencing work and renewed as appropriate
    3. Questions at interview to ensure teachers understand good safeguarding practice


  1. All BMT teachers receive regular Safeguarding and Child Protection training. The trust maintains a CPD log that ensures that staff renew their statutory training at the correct time. All teachers completed the Keeping Children Safe in Education training in January 2018. This was delivered by the Local Authority and Safeguarding Children’s Board partnership. New staff receive this level of training as part of their induction.


  1. BMT expects that all teachers visiting schools and partner organisations will be given a Child Protection Policy and accompanying Safeguarding Practice guidelines and they have been instructed to confirm that they have read and understood as required. This should include clear guidance on each organisations reporting process and clearly identify the DSL and other key staff.


  1. All BMT policies within its Child Protection suite are used by staff to ensure effective reporting and recording of information and concerns.


  1. Any disclosure or concern involving a child will be treated with guaranteed seriousness and rigour and action will always be taken with the approval of the Designated Safeguarding leads


Paul Guenault

Director & Designated Safeguarding Officer,

Buckinghamshire Music Trust


Please click here to request a full copy of the safeguarding statement.