Enter Here Name (required) Entrant Email / Parent or Guardian Email if under 18 (required) Postal Address (required) Date of Birth (required) IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have labelled your file/s correctly (label all your files with YMOTY, followed by your name and the title of the music, e.g. YMOTY_Joe Bloggs_Dancing Queen.mp4). We cannot include files that are not labelled correctly. Media Upload Use the box below to upload audio or video of your performance, as well as jpg files of your music, with a total of six files maximum. Permissible file types are .doc .docx .jpg .jpeg .mp4 .mp3 .wav .m4v .avi .mov, and no bigger than 2gb in total. By their very nature Buckinghamshire Music Trusts’ activities are in the public domain as they always lead to public performance. This may include the use of music technologies (sound and video recording) and photography as an integral part of the performance; to promote our work to new audiences; and encourage continued support for our activities. We will typically use photography as well as video and audio recordings for the following: Resources and publications produced by BMT. External publications (such as newspapers and magazines). BMT’s social media channels including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. BMT’s website and intranet. External websites/broadcast media (such as news organisations or partner websites). If you wish for your child not to be included in this please email directly to director@bucksmusic.org If you have any questions or difficulties entering or uploading media, please email Ed Hodgson on ehodgson@bucksmusic.org. PLEASE NOTE: There will be some processing time required once your video has uploaded. The duration is dependant on the size of your file, and can take a number of minutes to complete. The SEND button will be active once this processing has been completed. You can also follow us here...