Join Music Centre

    Click the name of your local Music Centre to see in detail what groups and ensembles are on offer

    Amersham ~ Aylesbury ~ High Wycombe

    Apply for Music Centre Membership here...

    All fields are required except where indicated.

    Student’s Forename:

    Student’s Surname:

    Date of Birth:



    School as of September 2024

    Current Year of Study as of September 2024:

    Home Address; Street / Number:

    Home Address; Town:


    Parent’s Title:

    Parent’s Surname:

    Parent’s First Name:

    Parent’s Email:

    Parent’s Mobile Number:

    Student’s Email Address (Optional):

    Student’s Phone Number (optional):

    Medical/Dietary/Learning Needs:

    Previous Musical Experience:

    Please provide details of any previous musical experience here...




    Have you had any Whole Class Instrumental Teaching at your school:

    List any other musical activities you have done, e.g. groups or concerts you've played in.

    Music Centre Location:

    Group/Ensemble 1:


    Group/Ensemble 2:


    Group/Ensemble 3:


    Give Buckinghamshire Music Trust a boost via Gift Aid?

    For every £1 you pay in Music Centre fees, BMT will receive an additional 25p. Gift Aid is reclaimed by BMT from the tax you pay for the current tax year. By ticking this box you confirm you are a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations, it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

    Please read the terms and conditions below before submitting this form:

    Tuition is provided on an ongoing, rolling contract and pupils may only withdraw from activities at the end of a term following submission and acceptance of written notice to your local music centre. The notice submission deadlines for each term are available on our website but will generally be the last day of the mid-term break. If late notice is received, you will be required to pay a late notice fee in addition to your invoice for the term

    Fees are invoiced termly and should be paid on receipt of invoice by cheque (payable to Buckinghamshire Music Trust) or by bank transfer to:

    Account name: Buckinghamshire Music Trust

    Sort code: 30 – 90 – 38 Account number: 61703168

    You must ensure that you use the invoice number as a payment reference.

    Parents are asked to inform the tutor of any known absences a minimum of one week in so that, where possible, these can be re-arranged within the same term. In the case of pupil absence, we are unable to reschedule lessons other than at the tutor’s discretion. This includes pupil absences due to conflicting school activities. Where the tutor is absent, parents will be informed via your child’s school and lessons will be rescheduled by the tutor in agreement with the school. Where the tutor is absent for more than one week, BMT will endeavour to cover these lessons with an alternative tutor or will provide a credit at the end of the year for any sessions missed through tutor sickness.

    We are committed to ensuring that all music trust activities are accessible to all young people and provide subsidies for families who are eligible for the national Free School Meals scheme (available for families receiving certain benefits) and for siblings of existing members.

    The music trust is responsible for the safety of students whilst they are within the music centre or on a pre-arranged visit or performance off-site and has appropriate Risk Assessment, Safeguarding, Health and Safety, and First Aid procedures in place. Parents must be responsible for their child’s safety and well-being at all other times, particularly in regard to their journey to and from the music centres.

    Please ensure that you inform the music centre directly if any of your personal details change, in particular, phone and email contacts, including those named as emergency contacts.

    Parents are responsible for ensuring that the music trust is aware of any medical needs and special educational needs regarding their child. Please ensure to complete the relevant section of the form is filled in and where necessary provide the relevant area leader with any further information.

    The music trust occasionally takes photos and audio/video recordings of pupils for archive purposes, teacher training and use in our own promotional material and publicity. If you do not wish your child to have their image used in this way please select NO in the box. For anything used by external agencies such as press, specific additional permission will be sought.

    The music trust would like to add your details to the mailing list for your chosen centre. Please select NO in the box if you do not wish us to do so.

    The Buckinghamshire Music Trust is registered with the Data Protection Registrar’s Office and will not use or share this information outside the organisation without the express permission of the parent concerned.

    How Much Does It Cost?

    For information on Music Centre fees and instrument hire, please click here.